Mystery solved! There has been a lot of activity at 625 Middle Turnpike in Storrs. If you have driven by lately you may have noticed that the former Zenny’s Restaurant has been sporting new windows, landscaping, parking lot improvements and a general sprucing up. A banner just went up identifying the name of the new owners: Deanston House.
According to their website Deanston House will be a banquet center catering to weddings, corporate events and retreats, and special events. There is a need in Eastern Connecticut for this type of venue that can accommodate larger groups. Timing is good with the UConn Tech Park expected to be completed in 2017 and it is a great addition to the Four Corners.
If you are a new hire at UConn and are looking for a home in the area, we have a search for all homes exclusively in the Storrs/Mansfield, Tolland, Willington & Ashford area for $275,000+.